BIOS Beep Codes and Solutions

When a system is first powered on, the system runs a POST. If error are encountered during the POST, you usually see a text error message displayed on screen. Errors that occur very early in the POST may occur before the video card is initialized. These types of errors can not be displayed, so the system uses a series of beeps for communicating the error messages. the system pauses if any of the hardware connected to the system is not functioning properly.

Below are AMI BIOS beep codes and Description with Solutions:

1 short beep DRAM refresh failure Clean the memory contacts and
 reinstall it
2 short beep Memory parity circuit failure Clean the memory contacts and
 reinstall it
3 short beep Base 64K RAM failure Clean the memory contacts and
 reinstall it
4 short beep System timer failure Chcek the motherboard installation
 for any loose contacts
5 short beep Processor failure Check the processor and hear sink
are properly installed OR check the
6 short beep Keyboard controller Gate A7 error Check or replace the keyboard or
 replace the motherboard and
7 short beep Processor virtual mode exception error Check the processor and hear sink
 are properly installed OR check
the Motherboard
8 short beep Display memory Read/Write test failure Check the display card is properly
 installed or replace the display card
9 short beep ROM BIOS checksum failure Reflash or replace the ROM BIOS
 chip OR replace the motherboard
10 short beep CMOS shutdown Read/Write error Replace CMOS battery or replace
 the motherboard
11 short beep Cache memory error Check the cache settings in BIOS
setup or replace the motherboard
1 Long 3 Short Conventional/Extended memory failure Clean the memory contacts and
reinstall it
1 Long 8 Shot Display/Retrace test failed Check the display card is properly
 installed or replace the display card
